
Monday, July 21, 2008

Schoolhouse Widgets

Schoolhouse Widgets Blog offers a variety of re-usable widgets and javascripts for teachers. Several of these have Christian themes and allow teachers to integrate rich resources in their personal or school website without too much effort. Themes explored by the proposed widgets include the following:

Religious Literacy: Bible Women | Bible Books | Bible Stories | Annunciation | Crucifixion

Bible: Joseph and His Brothers | Bible Women | Bible Books | Bible Stories

Christian Art: Joseph and His Brothers | Annunciation | Crucifixion

Below is the Bible Women widget. This is a collection of 57 images of Bible Women from both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Each comes with a brief note, a Bible passage, an image and links to additional information. You can choose to view a Bible Woman of the Week, or you can choose to view a Random Bible Woman (random display every time the page refreshes - the latter is the option I have selected).

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