
Monday, October 13, 2008

Bread on the Waters Web Pages

"...whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you."-- Matthew 6.6

Click on the image on the left for a full size image of a small printable poster from a collection of Bible posters available at

The Passionist Missionaries of Union City, NJ USA have created Bread on the Waters Web Pages as a “place to feed the Web surfer’s spirit”. It features several sections, each focusing on one aspect of prayer and each containing a large number of resources on prayer:
  • Children Learn to Pray: this Web site includes the words of a number of prayers of the Church (Sign of the Cross, Lord’s Prayer, Apostles’ Creed…), prayers for every day ( Thank you God, Jesus Loves Me…), Prayers for the Church Year (Lent, Holy, Week, Easter);
  • Lord, Teach Us How to Pray: this resource offers a number of online prayer books and articles on prayer;
  • St Michael the Archangel Virtual Retreat House: “A place of grace where your spirit is nourished and you can reach out to your God?... Come aside and rest awhile. Listen to a few simple words. Pray. Be refreshed. Consider the mysteries of God and your own mysterious life.”
For additional resources on prayer:

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