
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Name that Song - Activity for Confirmation preparation classes.

Joe Paprocki, on his Catechist's Journey blog, has recently posted the outline of an activity extending over 5 sessions of 10 minutes each. He calls these sessions "Name That Song (aka Name That Sin/Virtue/Gift).
The focus of this session will be on “the SEVENS”: the deadly sins (the “poison”); the virtues (the “antidote”); and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (the “ingredients” for the “antidote”)... I have found contemporary songs that speak to EACH of these items (yes, 21 songs) and the gist of the evening will be the catechists playing segments of these songs and inviting the young people to match them to the appropriate deadly sin, virtue, or Gift of the Holy Spirit that are being focused on in that mini-session.
This activity should be a lot of fun for the kids (and catechists!) and an effective teaching medium.

To read more about this activity and to access the lyrics of the songs I invite you to read Joe's complete blog posting at

For other resources on confirmation:


  1. Thanks so much for passing along my "Name That Song" idea! I hope that lots of catechists find it to be an effective means of engaging young people around the topics of the deadly sins, the virtues, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit! -joe

  2. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Im so excited to do this activity with my students!!!!!
