
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Online Theology Courses

According to the mission statement written by Father Thomas Dowd, the blog
" exists to help people discover and live the full meaning of the baptismal call. We exist to help people grow in a loving personal relationship with God, and to in turn help them to grow in service to their neighbour through the use of their gifts and talents."
Fr. Thomas Dowd is a Roman Catholic priest for the Archdiocese of Montreal, Canada. He works in the diocesan curia as an associate director for the Office of Pastoral Personnel, and also teaches theology at Concordia University and the Grand Seminary of Montreal.

He has made available online MP3 audio files of two of the courses he has given or is presently giving at Concordia University:

THEO 211L: The Creed (Intro to Roman Catholicism)
THEO 331: Christian Understanding of God

In addition to these, Fr Dowd regularly posts mesages on various subjects related to Catholic faith. His blog is well worth exploring.