
Friday, April 03, 2009

Bible Activity Worksheets

Bible Activity Worksheets contains over 60 nicely illustrated puzzles of all types on specific passages in the Old and New Testament. Stories represented are listed below:

* The Creative Days
* The Serpent's Lie
* Cain and Abel
* The Flood
* The Rainbow Covenant
* Tower of Babel
* The Call of Abram
* Abram and Lot
* Abram Rescues Lot
* God Promises Abraham a Son
* The Three Visitors
* Sodom and Gomorrah
* Abraham is Tested
* God's Promise to Abraham
* A Bride for Isaac
* Esau and Jacob
* Isaac Blesses Jacob
* Jacob Returns Home
* Jacob's Dream and Bethel
* Jacob Returns to Bethel
* Joseph and His Brothers
* Joseph in Egypt
* Joseph's Family Reunion
* Israel Moves to Egypt
* Baby Moses
* The Burning Bush
* The Plagues on Egypt
* Crossing the Red Sea
* The Ten Commandments
* The Tabernacle
* Exploring Canaan
* Crossing Jordan
* The Fall of Jericho
* Judges
* Gideon
* Ruth
* Samuel
* Israel's First King
* David and Goliath
* David Sings Songs to God
* King Solomon & the Temple
* Divided Kingdom
* Elijah God's Prophet
* Elijah's Prayer Answered
* Jonah
* The Three Hebrews
* Daniel in the Lions Den
* Rebuilding God's Temple

New Testament

* The Angel's Announcement
* Escape to Egypt
* Jesus as a Boy
* John the Baptist
* Jesus Chooses 12 Apostles
* Blessed Attitudes
* Light of the World
* Love Your Enemies
* Jesus Heals the Sick
* Sowing Seeds
* Jesus Walks on Water
* The Lord's Prayer
* The Resurrection of Lazarus
* Jesus Goes to Jerusalem
* The Crucifixion of Jesus
* The Resurrection of Jesus
* Jesus' Appearances
* The Gift From God

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