
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Confirmation: Rite for Life

This video is from Oblate Media and Communication and is an 8 minutes segment of  a two segment video lasting approximately 26 minutes.
This video tells the complete history of the sacrament beginning with Pentecost and how the celebration began and has evolved in the Eastern and Roman Churches over the centuries. All the essential elements of the ceremony including the laying of hands and anointing are shown and explained in detail. Following the New Catechism, footage includes a Confirmation ceremony featuring Bishop Wilton Gregory, President of the U.S.C.C.B., and a bi-lingual ceremony (English and Spanish) with Archbishop Raymond Burke. Fr. Paul Turner, noted author on the subject of Confirmation is featured along with host, Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB.

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone tell me whether this DVD is compactible with UK DVD players? Many thanks
