
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Meditation with children

The World Community for Christian Meditation has published this Web site on teaching children how to do Christian Meditation (meditation as presented by John Main and, after him, Fr. Laurence Freeman, both Benedictine monks).

"Children are saying that they do not want merely to learn about Jesus and God in their religion lessons: they wanted to experience God in their heart. Christian meditation provides your child with an opportunity to start a journey of silence and stillness where he will experience the presence of Jesus within." -- From the introduction to the Web site

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:25 pm

    This story about a church in San Antonio illustrates the power of using good art to teach Christian faith to children--the images are of Noah's ark, with a Christological image of Jesus (a peacock) at the center, and of stories from the gospels:
