
Monday, November 02, 2009

Lector's Notes

The following are two resources that help prepare lectors to read the Sunday readings:

Lector's Notes - These notes try to serve the Church by helping lectors prepare to proclaim the Scriptures in our Sunday assemblies. For each day's first and second readings (and occasionally for the gospel), the Notes give the historical and theological background, plus suggestions on oral interpretation.

Lector Works - At this site you will find:

* A series of thoughts about the lectionary readings of the day, as an oral proclamation within the church's public prayer, and how the writer would want to have them declared and received effectively.
* Three elements are always identified:
      ** the climax of the reading
      ** the contact point of the reading with our assembly
      ** one special challenge the reading poses for the
            seasoned lector
* At the end of each week's readings, a brief reflection on the transition from the Table of the Word to the Table of the Eucharist

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