
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Meditation of my Heart | Liturgical Music by James Walton

Meditation of my Heart is a project undertaken by James Walton.

He writes:
"I want to provide a database of 30* congregation-friendly Psalm settings in a dedicated easy-to-use space (like this one) so that anyone at all: a priest, church-musician, school-chaplain, cantor, music-student or anybody else can find and download the sheet music for the Psalm they need for whatever purpose they have (probably a Church service, but psalm-karaoke-parties are definitely gaining ground…). Once you’ve found the Psalm, you would then be able to email it to other musicians, embed it in a service-sheet or bulletin, print it off, photocopy it, read it straight from an iPad, put it in a lovely plastic wallet if you like. Donations would be very welcome, but everything here will be available for free. This will provide an opportunity for parishes and schools to experiment with new music without having to work around budgets and stuff."
You can find out more about this project by visiting James' Website at

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting about this project.
