Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Father Calls Your Name

The Father Calls Your Name is a music CD by Pat Bickert. You can listen to one of Pat's songs on 4Catholic The song is called "Perfect as you are". The lyrics of the song are also provided.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Creation Clipart and Posters has a new section offering colorful clipart and posters on the first story of creation in Genesis (Chapters1 - 2:3). Clicking on the numbers opens up an enlarge version of the images and clicking on the texts downloads printable letter-size posters with the corresponding scripture texts. These clipart and posters are provided free for use in a non-profit educational context.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Canadian Catholic Liturgical Calendar

Someone recently asked me whether or not I knew of a Canadian liturgical calendar with hyperlinks to the Sunday and weekday readings. After some digging on the Internet, I concluded that it was not available anywhere online. I therefore decided to create such a calendar. I have now posted a hyperlinked calendar for the the remainder of liturgical year B for Sunday readings and Series II for weekly readings starting on the first of October 2006. I plan on adding all of liturgical year A and Series I for 2006-2007 in the coming weeks.

The Canadian and American liturgical calendars are very similar, but there are the occasional differences. My American friends can therefore consult this calendar and they may find it useful, but they will have to keep in mind those differences.

Access to each monthly calendar can be found at

Please let others know of this tool, especially if they are directors of religious education, pastors, or teachers in Canada. I am certain they will find it useful.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Good News Cafe Christian Coffeehouse

Good News Cafe is a place where young adults seek to understand the
truths of our Catholic faith and support and witness to each other so
that we may grow in love of Christ, the Church, and each other.

We enrich our minds by learning God's truth, our souls are empowered
through the power of the Spirit of Christ, and we experience our
Baptismal call to holiness through relationships with one another and
the one Church.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Living Light - this quarterly journal of the USCCB Department of Education was published from 2000 to 2004. The complete edition of all issues are available on the USCCB web site in either PDF or HTML format. Each issue has 97 pages and contains 6-7 articles on a featured theme as well as a number of book reviews. Below is a listing of featured themes for all issues.

The following issues are available in PDF format. They are quite large (over 2MB ) and may take some time to download depending on the speed of your connection:

Summer 2004: Memory, Memorization, and Remembrance
Spring 2004: The Sacred Scripture of Israel—A Common Heritage
Winter 2003: End of Time and Last Things
Fall 2003: The Catechizing Parish
Summer 2003: 100 Years of CCD
Spring 2003: The Church: Who, What, Why
Winter 2002: Sports as Religious Education
Fall 2002: Catechetical Classics
Summer 2002: The Mystery of Evil
Spring 2002: Adolescent Catechesis

The following issues are in HTML format:

Winter 2001: Biblical Spirituality
Fall 2001: Minstering to Body and Soul Together
Summer 2001: Catechesis: Conversion and/or Nurture
Spring 2001: Reading Church Documents
Winter 2000: The Americanization of Catechesis
Fall 2000: Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us
Summer 2000: The Ten Commandments Revisited
Spring 2000: Catechesis for and in Marriage

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pflaum Gospel Weeklies

My thanks to Mark Early for sending me the information below:

Pflaum Gospel Weeklies is an excellent resource to enrich your religious studies program. It is a lectionary-based catechesis program which integrates the catechesis of young people with the ongoing life of the parish community at Sunday Eucharist. In other words, its content is based on the Sunday Gospels of the liturgical year. By following the Sunday lectionary children learn about their faith within the rhythms and seasons of the liturgical year.

It is an excellent tool for young people to connect daily life with the Sunday liturgy. The program is offered at different levels (K-8) and is designed in a newsletter format (pull-outs for each week), which makes it easy to use. It also offers teachers quick, ready-to-go lessons when needed. Another wonderful aspect to the program is that it can be used with students with learning disabilities because the activities are simple, concise, engaging and fun to use. With this program there is no reason students with learning disabilities should not be given time to learn and grow in their faith no matter what level they are at.

Visit the Pflaum Publishing Group website for more information:

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Catholic Educators News - September 2006 Edition

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In this Issue: Table of Contents

Sunday Readings Readings, clipart, commentaries and puzzles
General Roman Calendar

September - October - November

Online Resources:

General Directory for Catechesis - Resources for Teaching Students with Disabilities - Web Sites Worth Visiting - Featured in Previous Issues

New/Updated on the Resources for Catholic Educators Web Site


New Testament: Clipart, Coloring Pages, Puzzles - new page

Gospel of Mark - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9: Articles, Commentaries, Homilies, Clipart, Coloring Pages, Puzzles, Children's Stories

The following sections have been updated:

The Latest Scoop: latest edition

Father Lonsdale Commentaries and Clipart for Year B - Several pages have been added.

Crossword puzzle - A number of additions

See our "What's New" page for a listing all the new resources added on the Resources for Catholic educators Web site in June, July, August and September.

Subscribe to our Updates Mailing List and we will send you an email letting you know what has been added to the Resources for Catholic Educators website once a week. Click here to subscribe.

Articles Articles available online from various sources.
In Review

Announcement Press Release: Sister Carmela Chetcuti, Founder of Society for Peace
And more: A Time to Smile - Previous Issue - Archives

Who am I? Mission statement.

The who and why behind this newsletter.
Contributions to the Catholic Educators News Submitting articles, lesson plans, reviews, information... - Advertising / sponsoring
Keeping up! Join the Catholic Faith Education Yahoo Group

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Jesus: A Historical Portrait

St. Anthony Messenger is offering a new series of four-pages pamphlets called Jesus: A Historical Portrait. These are written by renowned scripture scholar Daniel J. Harrington, S.J. Three articles have so far been published and are available online on the web site:

The Truth About Jesus and Women
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Miracles: Signs of God’s Presence

Titles to be published in upcoming months:

October 2006: Rendering to Caesar—and to God
November 2006: The Death of Jesus: Then and Now
December 2006: The Resurrection: High Point of History

The brief introduction to the series reads as follows:
At a time when so many different ideas about Jesus are being circulated, what more authentic source for learning about him than the Gospels? And what better way of studying the New Testament than with an expert who has spent his life pondering and teaching it?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In Freedom and Responsibility

In Freedom and Responsibility, Robert Gascoigne’s feature article in the latest issue of Echoing the Word explores the foundations of Christian moral decision making, discussing empathy and self-confidence as fruits of conversion, as well as the role factual knowledge, conscience, Church tradition and reason play in forming good judgements and making good moral decisions.