
Sunday, December 21, 2008

RE Teacher- Catholic Religious Education Resources

RE Teacher - Catholic Religious Education Resources ( is a brand new blog created and maintained by Sarah Reyes who is a K-1 RE teacher. She and her husband have been teaching for 6 years. They created this blog to post their lessons. In addition to providing a description of what they did, they also indicate hoow things turned out and where they got the resources they needed (Web address of useful resources are provided).

I think this is a great way of sharing with other catechists and also of going back on the week's lesson to evaluate how things went and to make notes on what could be improved for future lessons on the same topic.

What would happen if dozens, hundreds, thousands of catechists decided to emulate Sarah and her husband and create their own blog? What a rich web of resources that would create over time!

For more Catholic Education Resources:

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right! I just recently came across your blog as well as RE Teacher. I recently decided to take up a similar mission with my new blog: I look forward to reading more of your work!
