
Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Abbey of the Genesee - Monastic Life

The short video below is from It provides a glimpse into monastic life. The introductory paragraph that accompanies the video reads as follows:
Presented at Globians Film Festival 2005: The Abbey of the Genesee is a short film from the perspective of the Trappists Monks of the Abbey of the Genesee, in Piffard, NY. The Abbey of the Genesee is a community of contemplative monks belonging to the world-wide Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (O.C.S.O.) more commonly known as Trappists. As described in their Constitutions the community belongs to "...a monastic institute wholly ordered to contemplation. The monks dedicate themselves to the worship of God in a hidden life within the monastery under the Rule of St. Benedict. They lead a monastic way of life in solitude and silence, in assiduous prayer and joyful penitence..." -- We take a brief look into the monastic life style, focusing on three major themes: Labor, Lectio Divina (divine reading) and Prayer. We are also able to observe the monks go about their daily life. Also how they serve each other and the athmosphere that the monastery has. The monks tell their own story, with personal reflections on how the monks serve God and their community in search for God alone.
Go to the video:

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