Holy Spirit Interactive: Your Complete Guide to Catholic Youth Ministry
The introduction to this section on the Holy Spirit Interactive Web site reads as follows:
"Have you ever wanted to set up a Youth Ministry in your parish or community, but didn't quite know how to get started? Holy Spirit Interactive, which has begun working actively with youth on several fronts, presents a 52-week course by Anand Menon that will take you through all the steps you need to build a vigorous, purpose-driven Youth Ministry within a year's time.
Every week, you will find new articles showing you how to work with youngsters, gaining their trust and their loyalty. You will also find a series of activites that will allow you to teach the youth about God, Scripture and other spiritual matters in a fun and interesting manner."
Only the first two weeks are now available on this web site, but some of the resources posted thus far are useful and it will be interesting to see how the guide develops from week to week over the coming year.