In the past weeks I have been digging up resources on the parables of Jesus. There are an amazing number of these scattered on various web sites. I have compiled a directory of some of them for each of the parables:
The Sower - The Growing Seeds - The Mustard Seed and Yeast - The Hidden Treasure - The Pearl - The Weeds - The Net - The Two Debtors - The Barren Fig Tree - The Unjust Judge - Friend at Midnight - The Pharisee and the Publican - The Unmerciful Servant - The Good Samaritan - The Lost Sheep - The Lost Coin - The Prodigal Son - The Last Place - The Unjust Steward - The Rich Fool - The Rich Man and Lazarus - The Wayward Children - The Workers in the Vineyard - The Builder of the Tower and the Ruler Going to Battle - The Two Sons - The Tenants - The Great Supper - The Narrow Gate - The Watchful Servants - The Thief in the Night - The Faithful and Wise Servant - The Ten Virgins - The Talents - The Lamp
The over 400 resources I have found include commentaries, homilies, articles by Bible scholars, meditations, puzzles, coloring pages, clipart, activities and plays for children, worksheets, etc.
As extensive as this section has already become, I am far from having finished mining the Internet to unearth resources on the parables. If you find something interesting or useful that I have not yet listed, please let me know. I would appreciate it.