National Directory for Catechesis Symposium - "A symposium in anticipation of the publication of the National Directory for Catechesis was held on January 10, 2005 in Baltimore, MD. The following links will lead you to the presentations given on that day and to Power Point files that you can use to as part of any training you wish to do with these presentations."
Bible Study - This is a series of power point presentations by Fr. John Morley, a Catholic priest. He provides a introduction to Catholic interpretation of the Bible, an overview of the historical background of the Bible in general and of the Book of Revelation in particular, and then introduces the Book of Revelation, the theological themes it contains, and provides a chapter by chapter commentary on it (incomplete).
Presentation of Easter: A presentation in four parts: origins of Easter; Easter Sunday; Readings; Summary. This is on the Web site of the Franciscan Friars - Province of the Holy Spirit
Pope John Paul II: A Power Point Presentation with text and photos.Butterfly: focusses on patience and hope - with beautiful images. Can be usefull for prayer/meditation
As a fellow Catechist, I'm extremely appreciative to have discovered your blog :)
God Bless.
Thank you for providing such a wonderful service - I just want to express my gratitude! I discovered this blog today, have read most of the posts, and have really enjoyed what I've seen.
As you can see from my blog (, I'm currently undergoing the process of finding a religion that suits me. I don't know whether you'd agree with me sharing this with the world, but I feel that if others can learn from my experiences then I have, in some way, helped a little.
Anyway - I particularly wanted to thank you for this post - the link to the site covering the Catholic interpretation of the bible really is superb (shame about it not being quite complete...). It really has helped me to go some way to understand some dimensions of Catholicism, although there are many resources there that I still haven't viewed. I intend to use the site in a later posting in my blog - hopefully I can spread the word even further!
I have one question - do you know of any similar sites that give a more general synopsis of Catholicsm in general? I know nothing about, yet am strangely drawn towards it, and I don't know why. To understand some of the concepts behind Catholic faith could really help. I intend to go and visit a Catholic priest for a later post in my blog as I try to determine if the faith is for me, but it would be nice to have a little prior knowledge! Any help you can provide there would be very warmly received.
I have noticed that you don't have many comments for your posts. I can't comprehend this, as the quality is so good! With your permission, I should like to add your blog link to my blog-site so that I can inform others about your good work. If you would be happy for me to do this, please contact me via my blog.
Most importantly, know that what you are doing is very warmly received, that you are not alone, and that you are a true ambassador for Catholicism online. Please keep up the good work!
Thank You,
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