Thursday, November 23, 2006

Three Online Articles

The following are three articles I have stumbled upon online and felt like sharing with you here:

The Birthing Tree: The Power of Story – Elizabeth Pike, Madonna - November/December 2006

"Sadly, today, there are many obvious signs of the dying of a type of religion we have known in the past. However, we must not be alarmed, because within the season of November and December we are put in touch with special events such as All Saint’s Day, All Soul’s Day, Advent and Christmas. These celebrations are reminders that point us to the central mystery of the faith given to us by Jesus that it is only through dying that new life can burst forth."

Nourish Peace by Sr. Roberta Leskey, The Way of St. Francis, September/October 2006

"I have strategically placed the statue of Saint Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio near my clock, phone, and calendar on my office desk. It is a subtle reminder to tame the unpredictable wolf that abides within when I am caught up in multitasking, meeting deadlines, dealing with a fickle computer, and attempting to see and hear the Christ in all who cross the threshold of my office."

Catholic Devotions: A means of permeating everyday life with prayer, by Ann Maree Whenman, Echoing the Word, Vol. 5 No. 5, 2006

"Popular devotions have developed gradually over years, perhaps centuries, as people sought ways of living out their faith. They have arisen in the encounter between the Catholic faith and the spiritual needs of a culture."

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