Friday, October 12, 2007

Liturgical Catechesis Project

Resources for understanding and preparing Roman Catholic liturgy and the sacraments.

The Liturgical Catechesis Project is a Web site created by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions representing Roman Catholic Diocesan Offices of Worship and Liturgical Commissions throughout the United States.

The objective of the Liturgical Project was the creation of Internet based catechetical project. This project would communicate to the faithful the basic principles of Roman Catholic liturgy as articulated in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy."
This site began with a basic liturgical bibliography with links to those documents that can be found on-line. The site is being updated with articles and essays on liturgy and sacramental theology.

The project has grown into an extremely rich and valuable online reference and is well worth exploring.

For more resources on catechesis:

Catechetics - Resources for Catholic Educators

Catechesis for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

Resources for Catholic Educators Store - Catechesis

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