Friday, November 30, 2007

Resources for Advent and Christmas

There are quite a few resources available online focusing on the Advent season and on Christmas. Here is a listing of a few of them:

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Music by Michelle Utley Thompson

Listen to 21 songs sung by Michelle Utley Thompson. She has a good voice supported by excellent musical arrangements . Favorites include El Shaddai, Jesus Loves Me, If You Could See Now...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Christmas Story Advent Coloring Book

The Christmas Story Advent Coloring Book contains "24 coloring pages with quotations from Luke (first 15 pages) and Matthew (last 9 pages) to reinforce the Christmas story."

For additional Bible coloring pages:

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Day Within the Walls

The Cloistered Life Web site provides a glimpse of life within the walls of various women's religious communities. The introduction the section on cloistered life in these communities reads as follows:
What is life in a cloistered or monastic community like? How do the members spend the long hours of the day? Is every minute filled with prayer? Spend a few moments within the walls of these women's and men's communities to get a rare glimpse at their hidden lives.
The communities represented on this site are:
Aslo included is a Glossary of Cloistered Life Terms.

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Perpetual Web Rosary

Join thousands of others worldwide in saying the rosary in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Vietnamese, or Latin. The introduction on this page reads as follows:
Please join with the world-wide community in saying an ongoing rosary. As you say each prayer click within the rosary to advance to the next prayer. The total is accumulated so that the next person can continue where ever you stop. If more than one person is participating at a time the number of prayers from all are added.
For additional resources on prayer see:

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Living Faith

The Archdiocese of Seattle Living Faith has begun publishing a series of parish bulletin inserts called Living Faith. These inserts aim at informing Catholics about Catholic Social Teaching and the major issues confronting American Catholics. The goal of these inserts is that

Members of the local Church with a better understanding can enter discussions of contemporary moral/political issues with people they meet in their everyday lives.

Each insert is a two page document that succinctly outlines church teaching on a given topic and suggests concrete ways Catholics can share this teaching with others.

Inserts published in 2007:

Future Issues of Living Faith will focus on the following themes:

Nonviolence & Just War Tradition
Environment & Climate Change
Marriage/Same-Sex Unions
Access to Health Care
Assisted Suicide
Economic Justice

Friday, November 16, 2007

Advent Features at

I have already mentioned in a previous post the wealth of resources available on the Web site. The Web site has a number of features focusing on Advent:

Children's Online Advent Calendar
Online Advent Calendar for Adults
Intergenerational Event: Waiting for Jesus Christ
Celebrating Advent with Your Family

The "Intergenerational Event" can only be accessed after you have registered and can login. Registration is free and the few minutes it takes to do so are well worth it because the "Event" contains an amazingly rich set of documents and although it is termed a parish activity, many of the documents can be also used in a classroom setting.

If you decide to register, take a look at the other "Intergenerational Events" focusing on other periods of the liturgical year. They also are very rich in content.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bible Posters at

For the past 8 months the Web site has been featuring a free daily Bible poster. Many of the posters that have appeared since last March are now available for download: Bible Posters Archive. At this time, there are over 60 poster with verses from the four Gospels in the archive:

Matthew - Mark 1 - Mark 2 - Luke - Luke 2
John - John 2 - John 3

Many more posters with verses from other books in the Bible will be added in the coming weeks.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate

Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate - This website offers daily Liturgy of the Hours Night Prayer in various languages. The prayers are offered in Adobe Acrobat formats that print as booklets, display on PCs and mobile devices, and 'Read Out Loud' on PCs. offers daily Morning, Daytime, Evening and Night Prayer, plus the Office of Readings.

For additional resources on prayer see:

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Angel Verses

The Angel Verses Website provides a series of illustrated Bible verses cards the size of business cards. For each card, you can select from one of three Bible versions for the scripture and download these as zip files. The zip file contains an image of the card as well as a letter size Word documents with 10 images of the same card. The document can then be printed, the cards cut out, and distributed to friends or students. The image on the left is a sample of the over 50 different cards now available on the site.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

In Religion Publishing News This Month

The November edition of The Latest Scoop is now available on the Resources for Catholic Educators Web site. This monthly column brings you up to date on new and revised products by various publishers of religious textbooks and resources.