This blog is from someone who chooses to remain anonymous and simply describes himself or herself in the following fashion:
"I am an Irish Catholic and I enjoy writing poetry. By using the gift God has given me I hope to draw others to Him, for in Him we find a true and faithful friend. Photographs are mostly of the Glens of Antrim, and Co. Down and the greater Belfast area. Religious art reproductions are taken mostly from Google images."
The blog was created in November 2006 and there are now hundreds of poems, reflections, meditations, prayers, and magnificent photographs in this wonderful tapestry of poetry, prayer and praise: an aptly named blog indeed!
Aloha, I have been reading your blog regularly. I am glad I can now leave a comment. You offer a great resource to Catholic families. Thank you. BTW, Ann is the owner of P, P, and P. She is a very lovely lady. I'm sure she will be happy to see her blog spotlighted here.
Gilles, I feel humbled and honoured to learn that my blog has been chosen for inclusion in your Catholic faith education resources.
It's a wonderful start to the new year, and affirmation for me that I am doing God's will, and in looking at all the work you,ve put into the blog here I can see your heart is most definitely in it!
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us all during 2009.
God's blessings, Gilles - and thank you so much!
Ann, the honour is mine.
Simply transmitting information about our faith is not enough. Our faith also has to be sung. It has to be painted in words, images, and colours. I has to be told in stories that enthrall, in photos that reveal the beauty of the One in whom we believe. It has to be danced and woven into music.
That is exactly what you are doing in your beautifully crafted poetry and prose and in your wonderful photography. Burning bushes are not just found on mount Horeb!
Thank you for what you are doing and thank you for sharing it with us.
God bless,
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