Bible Activity Worksheets contains over 60 nicely illustrated puzzles of all types on specific passages in the Old and New Testament. Stories represented are listed below:
* The Creative Days
* The Serpent's Lie
* Cain and Abel
* The Flood
* The Rainbow Covenant
* Tower of Babel
* The Call of Abram
* Abram and Lot
* Abram Rescues Lot
* God Promises Abraham a Son
* The Three Visitors
* Sodom and Gomorrah
* Abraham is Tested
* God's Promise to Abraham
* A Bride for Isaac
* Esau and Jacob
* Isaac Blesses Jacob
* Jacob Returns Home
* Jacob's Dream and Bethel
* Jacob Returns to Bethel
* Joseph and His Brothers
* Joseph in Egypt
* Joseph's Family Reunion
* Israel Moves to Egypt
* Baby Moses
* The Burning Bush
* The Plagues on Egypt
* Crossing the Red Sea
* The Ten Commandments
* The Tabernacle
* Exploring Canaan
* Crossing Jordan
* The Fall of Jericho
* Judges
* Gideon
* Ruth
* Samuel
* Israel's First King
* David and Goliath
* David Sings Songs to God
* King Solomon & the Temple
* Divided Kingdom
* Elijah God's Prophet
* Elijah's Prayer Answered
* Jonah
* The Three Hebrews
* Daniel in the Lions Den
* Rebuilding God's Temple
New Testament
* The Angel's Announcement
* Escape to Egypt
* Jesus as a Boy
* John the Baptist
* Jesus Chooses 12 Apostles
* Blessed Attitudes
* Light of the World
* Love Your Enemies
* Jesus Heals the Sick
* Sowing Seeds
* Jesus Walks on Water
* The Lord's Prayer
* The Resurrection of Lazarus
* Jesus Goes to Jerusalem
* The Crucifixion of Jesus
* The Resurrection of Jesus
* Jesus' Appearances
* The Gift From God
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