Monday, May 28, 2007

Catholic Educators News - June 2007 Edition

The June 2007 edition of the Catholic educators news is now online. Here is the table of content for this newest issue:

Survey question: What Web sites do you find most useful in preparing lesson plans for Catholic faith education?

Results of the previous survey question: What is your favorite quotation from a saint or a great Catholic?

In this Issue: Table of Contents

Sunday Readings Readings, clipart, commentaries and puzzles
General Roman Calendar

May - June - July - August

Online Resources:

Scripture Posters - Online Videos - Web Sites Worth Visiting - Featured in Previous Issues

Updated/New on the Resources for Catholic Educators Web Site


A significant number of resources have been added to the following pages:

Works of Mercy - Catholic Teaching on Work - Holy Spirit


The Gospel of John - Articles, Commentaries, homilies, Clipart, Coloring Pages, Puzzles, Children's Stories - Chapter 9, Chapter 10 , and Chapter 11

Articles Articles available online from various sources.
In Review

The Imitation of Christ for Children: A Guide to Following Jesus by Elizabeth Ficocelli

Arma Dei - Resources for Catholic Families, Schools and Parishes

And more: A Time to Smile - Previous Issue - Archives

Who am I? Mission statement.

The who and why behind this newsletter.
Contributions to the Catholic Educators News Submitting articles, lesson plans, reviews, information... - Advertising / sponsoring
Keeping up! Join the Catholic Faith Education Yahoo Group

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