Saturday, May 12, 2007

A guide to Following Jesus for Children

I recently received a copy of The Imitation of Christ for Children: A Guide to Following Jesus by Elizabeth Ficocelli, published by Paulist Press.

I must admit that the title initially raised some doubts in my mind: granted the Imitation of Christ is a great Catholic classic, but I could not help but wonder how it could speak to young children today.

My skepticism was quickly dispelled, however, as soon as I started reading this delightful little book. It is filled with concrete images and real-life examples that, I am certain, will speak to children 8-12. It is obvious that Ficocelli knows and love children and understands how to share with them her love of Christ in very simple but effective ways.

She follows the structure of Kempis’ work in four chapters:

  1. Making Jesus the Leader
  2. Becoming a Better Follower
  3. Getting Closer to Jesus
  4. Jesus Leads Us to Holy Communion

A final chapter for parents and teachers provides highlights of each chapter and suggestions of activities and questions for each section.

This is a wonderful little book written by a master teacher.

You can find out more about Elizabeth Ficocelli and about other books she has published n her Web site at

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