Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Games for Catechesis

Three new Yahoo groups for catechists were launched this month. All were created by group owner Elaine, and all of them focus on file folder games. There are already a number of games that have been made available by subscribers to these groups and the groups are very active even though there are few subscribers at this time. The addresses of the tree groups are listed below. You need to subscribe to the groups to have access to the files, but subscription is free.

This group focuses on games related to passages in the New Testament. There are two board games at the present time in the "Files" section: one on the feeding of the 5000 and one on the Good Samaritan.

This one focuses on games related to the Old Testament. There are already quite a few of them available in the "Files" section under David, Joshua, Moses, Noah, Ruth and Naomi, and Samson.

This group focuses on themes not related to the Bible such as objects in a church, clothes bishops and priests wear, people one meets at church.

These group promise to become great resources for catechists. They are worth a visit and I hope more subscribers will actively contribute to the wonderful effort of those who are already participating in them.

For more resources on catechesis:

Catechetics - Resources for Catholic Educators

Catechesis for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

Resources for Catholic Educators Store - Catechesis

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