Monday, October 29, 2012

31st Sunday Ordinary Time - Resources on the Gospel

31st Sunday Ordinary Time - Resources on the Gospel of Mark 12:28b-34

Respect for God and Others - children's story by Larry Broding,
Greatness Calls - by Patricia Datchuck Sánchez
Lectio: 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Carmelite Web Site - O.Carm. - Bible Study Online Mark: 12.28-34
Fr. Ian Dalgleish - Love of God and Love of Neighbour31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 
Clipart and Reflections on the Sunday readings - Fr. Lonsdale

And many more resources ---> 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Articles on Prayer

Here are links to articles on prayer gleaned from various online sources:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Coloring Pages of Saints

This web page - Saints Coloring Pages - offers links to dozens of coloring pages on all of these saints:

Albert the Great - Anselm - Anthony of Padua - Augustine of Hippo - Benedict - Bruno - Catherine of Sienna - Clare - Charles Borromeo - Dominic - Francis of Assisi - Gregory the Great - John-Paul II - John the Evangelist - Leo the Great - Luke the Evangelist - Mark the Evangelist - Martin de Tours - Matthew the Evangelist -  Mother Teresa - Padre Pio - Teresa of Avila - Therese of Lisieux

Other coloring pages to more saints will be added in the near future.

Monday, October 22, 2012

30th Sunday Ordinary Time - Resources on the Gospel Reading

30th Sunday Ordinary Time -
Resources on the Gospel Reading Mark 10:46-52:

Catechesis with Children - Bible Study / Commentaries and Meditations - Homilies
Preparing for the Liturgy - Images / Clipart / Coloring Pages / Puzzles

Some of the resources listed include:

Faith First: Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B
Catechist Background and Preparation 
Primary Session 
Intermediate Session 
Junior High School

RealPeople - The Gospel in Everyday Language - Ordinary Time - 30th Sunday pdf

Dealing Gently with Sinners: Homily by Fr Munachi E. Ezeogu, cssp for 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

HermanoLeón Clipart, Ordinary 30B Free clipart, backgrounds, slides, etc. clipart

Many more resources are available: Go to resources --->

Friday, October 19, 2012

Advice from Master Catechists

Here are a number of articles published in past issues of Catechist Magazine and other online sources:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Coloring Pages on the Parables of Jesus

The Website Clipart and Coloring Pages Wizard offers a large number of coloring pages on various parables of Jesus. At the present time, coloring pages and links to sources of online coloring pages are provided for the following parables:

The Good Samaritan - Good Shepherd - The Net - Ten Virgins - The Talents - The Sower - Pearl of Great Price - Hidden Treasure - The Lost Sheep - The Lost Coin - The Prodigal Son - The Great Banquet - The Tenants - The Workers in the Vineyard - The Mustard Seed - The Barren Fig Tree

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Posters: Wisdom of Saints

John Henry Cardinal Newman

Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt.-- John Henry Cardinal Newman, Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Saint Therese of Lisieux
You ask me a method of attaining perfection. I know of love - and only love. Love can do all things. -- St Therese of Lisieux
Saint Anthony of Padua
Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak. --Saint Anthony of Padua

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Classroom Activities on Saints

This page offers a few suggestions of activities aiming at helping students learn about Saints, identify with them, and reflect on the role of saints:

1. Make a Saints Day Card

2. Patron Saint Trivia Game

3. A saint for the 21st Century? What would he or she look like?

Monday, October 15, 2012

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Resources

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Resources on the Sunday Gospel  Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45

Catechesis with Children - Bible Study / Commentaries and Meditations - Homilies
Preparing for the Liturgy - Images / Clipart / Coloring Pages / Puzzles

29 th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B) – October 18, 2009. Scripture Readings. First Isaiah 53:10-11 - Second Hebrews 4:14-16 - Gospel Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 - The Dominican Order of Saint Joseph OP - Sunday Preacher's Resources Prepared by: Fr. James Cuddy, O.P. pdf

Father Lasch: Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 'B' - Partners with God in Christ .

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sadlier: Year of Faith

Free resources offered by
Sadlier joins you as the whole Church celebrates

The Year of Faith

Throughout the year we will offer resources (see  to help you embrace the Year of Faith and share it with children, youth and their families, your colleagues, and your parish community. A correlation chart shows you how the Year of Faith themes from Pope Benedict are woven throughout Sadlier’s We Believe with Project Disciple, K-8catechetical program and other Sadlier print and online materials.
  • Participate in our webinars presented by experts across the country.
  • Share ready-to-use-downloads from Sadlier Consultant Kathy Hendricks.
  • Enjoy inspirational moments with New Jersey Pastor Father Peter Wehrle.
  • Host a special Year of Faith Gather In My Nameintergenerational event for your whole parish community.
Our prayer is that this Year of Faith will be rich in blessings for you, your family, and the people you serve!
The Sadlier Family

Friday, October 12, 2012

Educational Program Aimed at New and Returning Catholic Families

Another press release from RCL Benziger's that I pass on to you:

RCL Benziger Offers Educational Program Aimed at New and Returning Catholic Families

MASON, Ohio —  Whether students and their families are new to the church, returning to the church or new to Catholic school, RCL Benziger’s new Our Catholic Heritage program eases the transition into a parish religion curriculum. 

Our Catholic Heritage reaches out in a special way to children who have not been catechized. This revision of the highly popular “This is Our Faith Heritage” program is linked to RCL Benziger’s newest series, Be My Disciples, which was published for parish religious education programs this year.

Our Catholic Heritage is the perfect entry-level text for young people who are being initiated into the life of the Catholic Church. It is offered at two age levels to choose from: Level 1, for grade school students, and Level 2, for those in junior high. Both levels highlight Catholic doctrine and practice in order to develop a Catholic identity, increase knowledge of the Catholic faith and build a Catholic vocabulary.

This new program emphasizes the life of Jesus, includes chapters on key Church doctrine and offers a solid overview of the four sacramental rites.

Our Catholic Heritage:
·        Follows the directives of the General Directory for Catechesis
·        Eases a student’s transition into regular religion classes and the use of virtually any catechetical series of instruction
·        Highlights Catholic doctrine and practices in order to build knowledge and Catholic identity
·        Offers important terminology and vocabulary
·        Has a “With My Family” section that offers meaningful opportunities to engage the whole family in the catechetical process and bring faith into the home every day!
·        Emphasizes Church history on the junior high level
·        Offers stories, personal experiences and activities to make evangelization and catechesis an even more enriching process
·        Supports families and religious education reinforcement at home with many resources for prayer, practices and faith teaching. 
The program uses a three-pronged approach to religious education:
-         Students learn Scripture by examining the life of Jesus and the key stories in his life and ministry, such as his baptism, his call to discipleship, miracles and parables, and his death, resurrection and ascension
-         Doctrine is taught through chapters that spell out what “We Believe” and why
-         The liturgy of the church is explained through the  “We Celebrate our Faith” section that walks students through the liturgical year 

Sections on prayers and practices, maps of the Holy Land and key teachings offer additional resources for teachers, parents and students.  

Additional information, ideas, activities and resources can be found at the companion website,, where students are encouraged to take the lessons learned through Our Catholic Heritage to a new level of discipleship! 

Review copies and information may be obtained by contacting Harry Johns, RCL Benziger’s director of marketing, at

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II

I just received this press release from RCL Benziger and I pass the information on to you:

FOR THE FIRST TIME ON DVD — The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II
 October 10, 2012 (MASON, OH) — RCL Benziger, one of the oldest and most trusted publishers of Catholic educational materials, is marking the 50th anniversary of the start of the Second Vatican Council with the release of a 5-DVD boxed set, The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II.
 Pope Benedict XVI is launching the Year of Faith (October 2012-November 2013) to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the start of the Second Vatican Council, and RCL Benziger offers its partners in ministry an unparalled look at the history, scope and impact of Vatican II. The Faithful Revolution, is a must-see for parish leadership, adult faith formation groups and high school and college students. Historic film footage, coupled with insightful commentary, makes this an invaluable educational resource. This Vatican II series will help students and adults not only value the Council's place in Church history, it will help them to appreciate its impact on the People of God throughout the world.
 The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II consists of five one-hour videos. An online study guide and participant handouts will help everyone, young and old, to more fully appreciate the enduring gifts and innovations of Vatican II.
The material is versatile and has many direct applications for: 
• Adult education and faith formation Catechist training• College courses on Vatican II• Parish renewal• Catholic identity• Continuing education for parish ministry and leadership• Study programs 

The complete five-disk boxed set is available for $99.95, and individual DVDs can be purchased for $24.95. 
More than 96 Council participants and attendees, cardinals and bishops, theologians, clerics, philosophers and laypersons were filmed in making “The Faithful Revolution.” Production executives and crew traveled to eight countries on three continents, and in 1999, the series was broadcast on PBS in an abbreviated form. More information about purchasing this valuable series may be obtained at For additional information, contact Harry Johns, director of marketing, 

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Lesson Plan - Counterfeit love

Counterfeit love - Lesson plan and resources

Grade Level or Age Group: Senior High School.

Lesson Objectives: 
The students will reflect on the difference between love and infatuation.

Go to lesson plan ---->

Monday, October 08, 2012

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Resources

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Resources on the Sunday Gospel Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27

Catechesis with Children - Bible Study / Commentaries and Meditations - Homilies
Preparing for the Liturgy - Images / Clipart / Coloring Pages / Puzzles

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Monday, October 01, 2012

Therese of Lisieux - Posters quotations

Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe. --- Poster
Even when I have nothing to offer Him... then, I will give Him this nothing. --- Poster
O my God, You have surpassed all my expectations. --- Poster
You ask me a method of attaining perfection. I know of love - and only love. Love can do all things. --- Poster
Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing. --- Poster
I feel that if I had every imaginable crime on my conscience I should still not loose my confidence; with my heart broken by repentance I should throw myself into the arms of my savior. --- Poster

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Resources

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Resources on the Sunday Gospel Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12

Catechesis with Children - Bible Study / Commentaries and Meditations - Homilies
Preparing for the Liturgy - Images / Clipart / Coloring Pages / Puzzles